This document contains a list of predefined values used in the SMTC scripting language. Logical and Unary Operators AND: Logical AND, where both arg1 and arg2 must be true. OR : Logical OR, where either arg1 or arg2 must be true. NOT: Unary NOR, flips the boolean value of an argument. Note: A ! can be used instead. Ex: !(arg) is NOT(arg) INV: Unary NOR, flips all bits of an argument. Note: A ~ can be used instead. XOR: Logical EXCLUSIVE OR, where the two arguments must be different. Chart Arg1 Arg2 Result True True False True False True False True True False False False Operators: Sign: Name + Addition 1+1=2 - Substraction 2-1=1 * Multiplication 2*3=6 / Division (If arg2 is 0, value REVERTS to 0) 4/2=2, 5/0=0 % Modulus (Returns remainder) 5/2=1, 10/7=3 Comparison Operators == Equal to > Greater than < Less than >= Greater than or Equal to <= Less than or Equal to != Is not equal to Syntax: The syntax for an expression is if( VALUE COMPARISON VALUE LOGICAL VALUE COMPARISON VALUE ...) An argument is VALUE COMPARISON VALUE All arguments must be seperated by a LOGICAL A VALUE is UNARY(VARIABLE/CONSTANT) OPERATOR UNARY(VARIABLE/CONSTANT) etc An example of a line that works: if(Salty + 5 < CJ - 24) A line with unaries: if(!Salty != INV(CJ) XOR NOT(Something) <= ~Somethingelse) An argument may also consist of one value! However, the value is assessed like this: If the lone value is 0, it is false If it is not 0, it is true. if(Salty) //is acceptable, and will execute if Salty != 0 is true Likewise: if(!Salty) //Works if Salty == 0